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Far Far Away 緣路山旮旯

2021 Hong Kong Asian Film Festival
Osaka Asian Film Festival
New York Asian Film Festival
Far East Film Festival


Amos Wong Ho Yin | 95min

A 28-year-old IT geek, Hau, is a mediocre but warm-hearted introvert, who suddenly finds himself the object of affection for five attractive women within the same year. The quintet share virtually no similar traits except one quirky thing: they all live in remote corners of Hong Kong. Seeing our heartthrob’s struggles in getting there’s half the fun, though; all that travelling allows director Amos Why to offer his audience a chance to see and appreciate parts of the city they rarely get to experience.

一個土生土長 28 歲港男阿厚 (岑珈其 飾),一不高大,二不靚仔,內向寡言暖男一個。小康出身,早年喪母,中學讀和尚名校聖言,中大讀電腦,畢業做 I.T.,一世人暫時只拍過一次拖。點知阿厚今年原來行桃花運,先後遇到 5 個女仔 (余香凝、陳漢娜、梁雍婷、蘇麗珊、張紋嘉 飾),個個外形性格背景都不同,唯一共通點:五個都住到山長水遠,屋企都位於山旮旯天腳底,送返屋企,有車都未必去得到。一年四季,一皇五后,阿厚上完 5 堂愛情速成班,究竟個人會有幾大成長?情路又是否能夠修成正果?

Screening schedule

New York: Oct 27, 2022 6:30PM Quad Cinema
Phoenix, Arizona: Nov 13, 2022 2:00PM Pollack Tempe Cinemas
San Francisco Bay: Dec 3, 2022 2:00 Chabot Theater


Made in Hong Kong Film Festival aims to provide an inclusive platform for filmmakers to showcase the films made in Hong Kong regardless of the topics and themes. Whether it is independent or commercial movies, topics deemed sensitive or prohibited in Hong Kong, we give these films a space on the screen for the local community to appreciate their dedicating work. Through the lens of Hong Kong, in hopes of shaping the identity and enhancing understanding of Hong Kong, we keep the legend of Hong Kong’s films rolling.





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