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on 2020 Census
An estimate of 200,000
Hong Kong people lived in the U.S. in 2010
0 Hongkonger was recorded on the last census report
What is census
A census is a headcount of a group of people and a form of record keeping.
In the U.S., the Census happens every 10 years, which is mandated by the constitution (Article I, Sec 2).
The information is collected to distribute over $675 billion in federal funds to states, counties, and cities nationwide. It is used by all levels of government, public and private organizations, affecting healthcare, housing, education, infrastructure, and other programs that address these needs. It is also used as reference to the redistribution of the seats in the House of Representatives.
Anyone residing in the U.S. is counted, including non-citizens like,
- International students
- H1B and OPT workers
- Undocumented immigrants
- Unsheltered/homeless
Date of birth
Hispanic origin
Why it matters to us
Why it matters to us?
This is how the census form looks like––"Hongkonger" is not an available option.
Yet, you can check the "Other Asian" box and declare your origin or identity at the write-in box.
If we have the official number on record, the representation of our community would be strengthened and it will benefit:
policymakers to make relevant decisions and proposals
Hong Kong-related congressional advocacy
the Hongkonger community to show our social significance to the U.S. society
Important dates
Important Dates
Households will begin receiving information by mail about how to complete the census.
​The information you put onto the questionnaire should reflect the household situation on this day.
Census takers will visit college dorms, senior centers, etc.
Census takers will visit households that haven’t responded.
March 12-20
April 1
(You can submit your census form once you get the instructions and your census ID!)
How to fill in the form??
How To Fill in?
You have the option to respond online, by phone, or by mail before Sep. 30.
Find out more about each method of responding below.
Take the census here:
It will take about 10 minutes to complete
You can respond online even if you received a paper questionnaire through the mail
Use your computer/phone/tablet to complete the survey online
Your progress CANNOT BE SAVED, please complete the census in ONE SITTING
Log-in using the 12-digit Census ID found in the materials mailed to you from the Census Bureau.
(If you do not receive an invitation to respond, you can still respond online. Below the ID field, click the link that says, "if you do not have a Census ID, click here.")​
When you get to the "What is your race?" question, check the "Other Asian" box and fill in Hongkonger. You will have to answer this question for each individual in your household.

By Phone
By Phone
English hotline: (844) 330-2020
Cantonese hotline: (844) 398-2020
Mandarin hotline: (844) 391-2020
Phone lines are open every day from 7 am to 2 am Eastern Time.
By Mail (paper)
By Mail
If you receive a paper questionnaire, you still have the option to respond online or by phone. If you choose to fill in the paper questionnaire and submit by mail, please note the following:
Use blue or black ink, do not use a pencil
Return the completed questionnaire in the return envelope provided in the materials sent by the Census Bureau
If you lost your return envelope, please mail you completed questionnaire to:​
U.S. Census Bureau
National Processing Center
100 Logistics Avenue
Jeffersonville, IN 47144
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